Tuesday 12 November 2013


From suburban Holland, 1983, son of artist/hippie marriage. Graduated as English teacher, but had it clear I wanted a rural and hand-on experience after studying. I headed south (2006) and started my wondering life, staying at many different places, seldom less than a month, often months, with breaks in between to move and enjoy. I was most in Spain, Holland and France, but amongst others also in Indonesia, a Galapagos, Tahiti and Australia. I learned mainly from practice, on various sites on varoius subjects. My official schooling in Permaculture were an early spring and late autumn at the Instituto Permacultura Montsant, Tarragona, Spain. Before and after I stayed at quite some (private) projects, all notable in their way, mainly construction and agriculture, but also working as a cook and sailor. I seem to have (had) a preference for islands and remote places. I was able to feel very free and not worry about money, living a simple, peaceful, yet intense and energetic life; experimenting, exploring, learning. I obtained a variety of specific skills, but moreover experience of life. This lead to a broader perspective on and a greater belief in both the outside and inside world. After five years of roaming I seemed ready for a personal project that sat in the back of my mind for some years, to which I believe I had unconsciously been preparing.

The past three years, apart from the summers, I have lived alone in a country house ruin in the far northeast Spain. I found it overgrown, falling down and isolated in the forest, in a region I had and have come to know well. I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to retreat to the most basics of living. For me to be at a place so quiet, so uninterpreted and spacious, generated a feeling of original experience, where the contact with nature and myself was more intense and pure. I aimed to use only local on-site material, both for living and working. I had to, however, buy basic food supplies, but was able to gather and cultivate the greater part. No gasoline, no light (making candles from recycled paraffin) and water from recuperated mountain springs.

Stage one of my project has finished. This was focused on my own personal experience and development. Now I am motivated to invite others to participate in what I believe is a unique opportunity to broaden one’s horizon. To really live in and with nature, to be dependent on her and on yourself, to harmonize yourself with life’s dynamic. I believe that such an experience is not left on the mountain, but can resonate in everyday life, wherever and however you find yourself making the best of it.

Apart from ‘permaculture’ (in this context denoting mostly any type of rural living and skills; which of course doesn’t sum up the definition), I have a keen interest in psychology, mythology, outdoor sports, alimentation, cooking, health and the world and universe.

I'm not sure yet how or even if to use this blog (I'm not very keen on computers to say the least), yet I hope that by sharing this information I can inspire others to follow their own 'bliss', in whatever way works for them. Also I hope that some feel responsive to this project and want to participate. For more information see the blog or send an email.

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